Naturactor Cover Face Cream Foundation


Item name: Naturactor Japan Cover Face
Availability: out of stock
Market price - RM69
Our price - RM48

Product details:
100% Original Naturactor Japan
100% brand new
Suitable for all Skin Types (Fragrance free)
Size: 20g

It blends easily, allowing you to vary coverage as much or as little as you need, effortlessly balancing uneven skin tone and giving you the control to create a flawless finish.
  • Provides great coverage for skin. 
  • It's long lasting and you only need to apply a little to get the perfect skin look. 
  • Special to make up artist and professional use.
  • 100% cover pigmentation, scars, blemishes, acne, and dark stain
  • Mild and gentle on the skin as if you were not wearing any
  • Protects the skin from UV rays that cause pigmentation
  • Easy to use and not sticky
  • Hold up to 12 hours, compared with normal powder just 1 hour.
  • Withstands heat and humidity – great for summer
  • Comes in 4 beautiful shades and 1 concealer

Colour Available:

  • 130 - Pink base. Suitable for very fair skin tone. It is specially for bridal make up.
  • 140 - Yellow base. Suitable for fair skin tone because the color is slightly deeper color than the 130.
  • 141 - Pink base. Suitable for medium skin tone. The colour transition of natural, soft, suitable for stage makeup studio makeup. It can also become shading to fair skin tone.
  • 151 - Yellow base. Suitable for Asian/ Malay skin tone. Good coverage for face defects and shading as well.
  • 171 - Green neutralizes any redness on your face, from broken blood vessels, blemishes, irritation etc. It helps inhibit red complexion effectively cover the red spots left by acne.
  • Jojoba Oil - helped with the dry and flaky skin
  • Mica - moisture your skin,in smaller portions will still offer this benefit for youthful looking skin without the added irritation.
  • Tocopherol, Vitamin E - improving metabolism and immune system skin.
How to use:
  1. Dampen a sponge and apply a small amount of cream foundation to the edge of the sponge.
  2. Blend lightly and easily with fingers or makeup sponge beginning by the ear and jaw line. Apply it in a downward motion.
  3. Finish it by loosely applying Silky Lucent loose powder over your foundation for a matte finish.
Beauty tips:
  1. The body heat from your fingertips helps you blend in your cream foundation even better. So do not forget to use your finger to blend!
  2. Ladies, do not forget to remove your foundation at the end of the day to avoid clog pores etc. Love your skin!
Naturactor Cover Face Cream Foundation mengimbangi tona kulit yang tidak sekata dan memberi anda kawalan untuk mewujudkan kemasan sempurna
  • Anti kilauan / tidak berminyak.
  • 100% menutupi pegmentasi, parut, cela, jerawat, dan noda hitam
  • Ringan dan lembut pada kulit seakan-akan anda tidak memakainya
  • Melindungi kulit dari sinar UV yang menyebabkan pigmentasi
  • Senang digunakan dan tidak melekit
  • Bertahan hingga 12 jam, berbanding bedak biasa hanya 1 jam.
  • Tidak menutup pori-pori
  • Sering digunapakai oleh mak andam & makeup artist professional
Terdapat beberapa warna pilihan:-
130 - Base pink. Tone warna yang paling cerah seperti kulit Chinese
141 - Base pink. Tone warna untuk kulit sederhana cerah.
140 - Base yellow. Tone warna kedua cerah yang sesuai untuk individu yang berkulit cerah kuning langsat
151 - Base yellow. Sesuai untuk tone warna kulit sederhana gelap dan sawo matang
171 - Sesuai sebagai concealer iaitu penyamar noda jerawat dan eyebag

  • Jojoba Oil - Minyak Jojoba memang terkenal dengan fungsinya untuk melembap. So, dengan adanya kandungan ni, Cover Face mampu membantu untuk menghidratkan kulit, menjadikan kulit lebih lembut, dan cantik berseri.
  • Rice (Beras) - Cover Face juga adalah rice based powder, so ianya menyerap minyak berlebihan yang dihasilkan oleh kulit, menyeimbangkan kelembapan kulit agar tidak berminyak, menghasilkan kulit yang bebas dari keradangan dan jerawat.
  • Vitamin E - Meningkatkan metabolisme kulit dan sistem imun.
Cara penggunaan:
  1. Gunakan sponge yang lembab atau jari anda dan sapukan pada bahagian muka seperti dahi, pipi, hidung dan sebagainya serta kawasan-kawasan yang bermasalah.
  2. Langkah terakhir, sapukan Silky Lucent loose powder atau bedak padat kegemaran anda untuk sapuan matte dan ketiadacelaan pada kulit.
Tips kecantikan:
Jangan menyapu concealer terlalu tebal kerana akan membuatkan wajah kelihatan kelabu sekiranya anda tidak mengadun warna foundation dengan teliti dan kemas.
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